Use Of Force
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Officers shall use no more force than necessary in the performance of their duties, and shall do so only in accordance with departmental procedures and the law. Officers shall comply with departmental procedures concerning the documentation and investigation of the use of any force. If you are caught breaking the use of force triangle you will be subject to disciplinary action. Less-lethal force is force that is not likely to cause serious physical injury or death. Any use of less-lethal force must be both objectively reasonable and necessary in order to carry out the authorized Officer’s/Agent’s law enforcement duties. Less-lethal devices/weapons may be used in situations where empty-hand techniques are not sufficient to control disorderly or violent subjects.
Deadly force is force that is likely to cause serious physical injury or death. Authorized Officers may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of serious physical injury or death to the officer or to another person a serious physical Injury.
Verbal Warnings - Your voice should be the first thing you use when attempting to diffuse a situation. Verbal warnings are always the FIRST option.
Non-Lethal - If the situation escalates past the verbal stage, then you should use non-lethal weapons such as a baton or taser. It should be used with CAUTION. You should never be using a weapon straight away unless the situation requires it.
Lethal - The only reason you should resort to this is if you or someone else is put in danger. Lethal force is considered to be anything that injures someone to the point where they may die. The most common is using a handgun.
Officer discretion - Although this is self explanatory, it should be viewed and understood as if you were playing out the real life of a deputy police officer.
In cases of tackling suspects, this is achieved by melleing the subject, and declaring “Tackle” verbally. This is intended for foot pursuits, and is not to be utilized during a static fight with a subject, make space and utilize your tools. Civilians who are tackled in this way must go down, as such in a stand up fight it’s overpowered and unfair.
It is important to understand that less than lethal force can still cause death in severe situations and that you are responsible for the effect of using less than lethal force.