Rank Structure
A chain of command is an organizational structure that documents how each member of a department reports to one another.
Chain Of Command is strictly enforced in BCSO, the department has supervisors and staff members in place to ensure the department runs in an efficient manner. If caught breaking or skipping the chain of command you will be suspended or removed from the department.
Department Administration
In charge of all field training program events
Ensures all field training officers meet requirements
Ensures all FTOs complete their duties at a high level
Field & Area Command
Mentor to Entry Level Ranks
Suitable for Field Training Officer
Experienced Supervisor
Unlocks Unmarked Vehicle Usage
Aware of everyday patrol
In charge of the Supervisors, ensuring that supervisors are performing their duties and are up to speed with our expectations Captains: In charge of the FTO Program, meant to ensure that we are performing trainings as much as possible and if needed will go to the Heads with recommendations for removal from FTO Program
Department Supervisors
Has shown Potential over time
Mentor for Newer Deputies
Unlocks Slick-top vehicles
Patrol Units
Recently Hired in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
Full-time Blaine County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Unit
The Chain Of Command MUST be followed at all times!
Last updated