Off Duty Policy
Introduction: The purpose of these Off-Duty Guidelines and Policy is to establish clear expectations and provide guidance for off-duty conduct and responsibilities of Blaine County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) personnel. These guidelines are intended to maintain the professional image and uphold the integrity of the BCSO at all times, both on and off duty.
Professional Conduct:
Off-duty behavior: BCSO personnel are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the agency. Any behavior that may bring discredit to the BCSO or undermine public trust is strictly prohibited.
Personal associations: While off duty, personnel should use caution when associating with individuals who have known criminal backgrounds or engage in illegal activities.
Use of alcohol and drugs: BCSO personnel are expected to adhere to all applicable laws regarding the use of alcohol and drugs. Any off-duty use that impairs job performance or violates the law is strictly prohibited.
Firearms and weapons: When carrying firearms or other weapons off duty, personnel must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and BCSO policies.
Confidentiality and Information Security:
Confidentiality: BCSO personnel must maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding agency operations, ongoing investigations, and any sensitive or classified information, both on and off duty.
Social media usage: Personnel should exercise caution when using social media platforms and ensure that their online activities do not compromise the integrity of the BCSO or violate the privacy rights of others. Sharing sensitive or confidential information is strictly prohibited.
Reporting obligations: Off-duty personnel who become aware of any criminal activity or potential threats should promptly report such information to their supervisor or the appropriate authority.
Identification and Representing the BCSO:
Identification: Off-duty personnel should carry their BCSO identification card and present it upon request when identifying themselves as law enforcement officers.
Use of authority: Off-duty personnel should only exercise their law enforcement authority in situations that pose an immediate threat to public safety or require immediate intervention.
Displaying insignia: Displaying BCSO badges, patches, or other insignia in a manner that may mislead or imply official action while off duty is prohibited.
Off-Duty Employment:
Approval process: BCSO personnel must obtain prior approval from their supervisor before engaging in any off-duty employment or security-related activities.
Conflict of interest: Personnel should avoid off-duty employment that may create a conflict of interest or compromise their ability to perform their duties impartially or professionally.
Conduct expectations: While working off-duty assignments, BCSO personnel are expected to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and BCSO policies.
Disciplinary Actions:
Violations and infractions: Violations of this Off-Duty Guidelines and Policy may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including counseling, reassignment, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.
Reporting violations: BCSO personnel have a duty to report any known or suspected violations of this policy by their colleagues.
Note: These Off-Duty Guidelines and Policy should be tailored to the specific needs and policies of the Blaine County Sheriff's Office. It is essential to ensure that the policy aligns with applicable laws and regulations and is regularly reviewed and updated to remain accurate and current.
Last updated