Department Uniform Structure
The Departments Uniform Structure can be found here.
The Uniform Structure is to be followed by everyone in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, if the Uniform Structure within the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is not followed, the member would receive their infraction within the Department. The infractions can range from a written warning to being clocked off and being put on Probation of different types depending on the incident and how often the Structure is broken by the member. The Uniform Structure is to be followed to the exact rank status within the Department, there should be no exceptions. Any issues with the Uniform or please contact the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office Leadership or High Command using the Chain of Command.
Personal Appearance and Dress:
All members of the sheriff’s department are to be clean and well presented at all times when on duty or representing the department.
Hair & Appearance:
For all employees, hair must be of natural-appearing color, no unnaturally dyed colors (Check with a friend to see if your hair looks different to them to account for graphics pack differences).
For men, this must be no longer than the ears in a clean and professional state when at work. Facial hair is permitted as long as it is neat and maintained.
For women, hair may be of any length, however, it must be worn up if long, neatly presented, and of professional appearance if longer than the nape of the neck.
Makeup may be worn but must be minimal and tasteful. (This is subjective to CoC determination on a case by case basis)
Tattoos: Tattoos are permitted on the arms and other parts of the body as long as they are respectful and inoffensive. No facial, neck, or hand tattoos are permitted. (Keep them to a minimum in general folks, remember you’re a cop, not a biker.)
Last updated